Focused Attention On Your Portfolio
Our investment management methodologies are based on a mid-to-long-term perspectives in which we try to identify hidden values which are not yet fully recognized in the market. By adopting a consistent investment management process and appropriate risk control systems, we take a balanced approach emphasizing fundamental, quantitative analysis (“Quantamental” Analysis). When it comes to managing money, there is no substitute for experience. We have the industry experience to successfully navigate the markets thus providing your portfolio with the attention and discipline required to preserve capital and create wealth. To inquire if our services are right for your investment needs, please contact us today for a complimentary portfolio review. *
*Services are for portfolios of $500,000 and above.
Focused Attention On Your Portfolio
Our investment management methodologies are based on a mid-to-long-term perspectives in which
we try to identify hidden values which are not yet fully recognized in the market. By adopting a
consistent investment management process and appropriate risk control systems, we take a
balanced approach emphasizing fundamental, quantitative analysis (“Quantamental” Analysis).
When it comes to managing money, there is no substitute for experience. We have the industry
experience to successfully navigate the markets thus providing your portfolio with the attention and
discipline required to preserve capital and create wealth. To inquire if our services are right for your
investment needs, please contact us today for a complimentary portfolio review. *
*Services are for portfolios of $500,000 and above.
3340 Peachtree Rd.
Tower Place 100 Suite 2615
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: 404.760.3477
E-mail: contact@bretwoodcapitalpartners.com
3340 Peachtree Rd.
Tower Place 100 Suite 2615
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: 404.760.3477
E-mail: contact@bretwoodcapitalpartners.com
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